Audit: Pat Quinn, Aaron Johnson
Charity Committee: Master and Wardens
Crab Feed: Roy Tamez, Don Schauer Sr., Perry Klahr, Tramaine Ellison
Executive Committee: Brian Ross, J. Rafisura, Andrew Hawes, Perry Klahr.
FOSJ and White Table Night: Andrew Hawes
Hiram Award Selection: HA Committee (All HA recipients)
Masonic Education: Paul Rodriguez O’brien, PM
Masonic Funeral: Bill Ferrell, PM HA, William Biddell, Pat Quinn HA
Masonic Hall Association: Paul Rodriguez, O’brien PM
Masonic Homes Endowment: Don Schauer Sr.
Masons for Mitts: Brian Ross, Scott Hamilton
Membership Retention: J. Rafisura
Picnic: Sr., Roy Tamez, PM HA, Perry Klahr, Brian Ross
Printing and Mailing: Don Schauer Sr.
Public Schools Night: Adam Korbas
Strawberry Feed: Perry Klahr, Ozzie Ghani, Scott Hamilton, Paul Rodriguez O’brien, PM
Sunshine and Visiting: Ernie Nidick, Les Blake, Ozzie Ghani, Aaron Johnson
Sweethearts Committee: Phil Busch, Aaron Johnson, Paul Rodriguez, PM
Trustees: Perry Klahr, Bill Ferrell, PM HA
Visiting /Traveling Degree: Jerry Garcia, Lyman Penning, PM HA.
Website and Trestleboard: Ron Katz, PM HA
Welcome: Aaron Johnson, Tramaine Ellison, Ozzie Ghani, Scott Hamilton