By Paul Rodriguez-Obrien—Master

It was great to see the turnout and support of our Brethren for the first two Entered Apprentice degrees of the year as conferred by our newest lodge officers.
Please give a warm welcome to our newest Brothers of Crow Canyon Lodge 551, Osman (Ozzy) Ghani, and Roger (Scott) Hamilton.
The double degree was flawlessly performed by our JW Jay Rafisura (sitting in the East), with a lateral hand-off to WM. Lyman Penning of Siminoff Daylight Lodge #850 who treated us with a well-delivered “long-form” EA Lecture.
I would also like to acknowledge the excellent floor work of our EA Aaron Johnson, who jumped-in as the Junior Steward at the last minute and with little practice. All-in-all, a double degree that was one that I will always remember! Thank you everyone who participated and was in attendance.
We will soon be in full practice for a potential double Fellowcraft degree on March 12th for Bro. Tramaine Ellison, and a mystery Brother to be named shortly.
The Second section of the Fellowcraft degree is one of my favorites, and I’m sure it will be excellently presented by our SD Andrew Hawes (no pressure Andrew, the eyes of your brothers are upon you).
On February 29th from 6:00 - 8:30 pm, we will leap into the Annual Crab Feed at the lodge. Due to the high cost of crab this year, the dinner will be $45 for the crab meal, and $15 for Chicken & pasta only. Please remember to bring your own appetite, crab tools, bib, and special dipping sauces. There is a limited number of tickets, so see our Secretary Don Schauer sooner then later.
As always, we your officers, look forward to seeing You and your families again real soon!