By Paul Rodriguez-Obrien—Master

My Brethren and Families,
Being the month of March, I would first like to give a brief recap of the February Stated Meeting; We balloted and had a favorable vote on Mr. Lehman for all degrees and Brother Ronald Burch for affiliation into our lodge. Also, with a heavy heart, I read the “Sacred Scroll” for our Brother Vinson White who passed on January 19, 2020, after 85 years and 4 months on this earth.
Your officers are now in full practice mode (and may I say going exceedingly well) for a Fellowcraft degree on March 12th for Bro. Tramaine Ellison, and possibly another Fellowcraft degree (also in March?) of a mystery Brother to be named shortly. The Worshipful Master’s work I suspect will be exceptionally exemplified by our Senior Warden Brian Ross and (everyone’s favorite) “Staircase” portion will be presented by our Senior Deacon Andrew Hawes. I highly encourage all of our fellow Brothers and visitors to attend these two upcoming Masonic degrees.
I have great news about the Crab feed; it was sold out and was a great success. We sold 89 crab plates and 13 Chicken/pasta plates, to a maxed room capacity of 102 souls. Specific updates on this event will be given at our March Stated meeting by our Junior Warden J. Rafisura.
Ending out the month of March, your Worshipful Master, Senior and Junior Wardens, and Senior Deacon, will be attending the annual ‘Masters and Wardens Retreat’ on Friday 27 - Sunday 29. This yearly event is filled with high-level networking and leadership panels designed to bring a renewed sense of inspiration and cooperation to your officers line as each of our officers learns how to fulfill their role to the best of his ability. We then return to address and update our lodge 551 collaborative multi-year strategy. All-in-All, this is a great learning experience well worth our time in supporting our Lodge.
Lastly, as Worshipful Master, I have been blessed to have been accepted into this role, and also to be a part of this year’s Officer line-up. What we do here is by and for you my brothers. Please take the opportunity to attend one, two, or all events as we are stronger when we support each other. So as always, we your officers, look forward to seeing you and your families again real soon!