By Paul Rodriguez-Obrien—Master
Brethren and Families,
Last month we had our first ‘Grand Lodge’ sanctioned Virtual Stated Meeting. The event was a great success, and it was warming to see all the faces that we hadn’t seen for quite some time now.
Although it wasn’t a tiled environment, we were able to catch-up on all business, correspondence, and news, since the last time we were able to meet in person at our actual ‘Lodge Night’ last March. This virtual-style is how we will officially conduct business as a lodge going forward until we are again allowed to practice our craft as it was meant to be. As we get closer to this as a reality, your officers and I will be sure to inform everyone as to how we will transition into the normalcy of Dinners and Lodge once again. …Yes, I do see this as an attainable reality.
Among the typical business of Lodge, we also held the Officer elections that night, and it was voted and agreed upon to have your 2020 Officers give it another go for 2021.
There will however be some substantial changes to the lodge in that this year we will see the retirement of two of our “Great Pillars”, W. Bro. George R. Lumm and Bro. Secretary Don Schauer, Sr. Bro. Pat Quinn and Bro. Perry Klahr will do their best to fill their shoes.
W. Bro. Treasurer George R. Lumm has been Treasurer for 15 years, and it has always been a pleasure to hear him read the ‘Treasurer Reports’. To me his enunciation and delivery style harkened to the radio newscasters that we all grew up listening to like Paul Harvey.
W. George will be retiring to spend more time with his wife Kim, their 7 children, and their grandchildren. I’m sure we will be able to see him again as soon as we can get back into the building and do real Masonry. Thank you very much Worshipful for the years of dedication and service you have shown our lodge.
Bro. Secretary Don Schauer Sr. has been a Masonic Secretary for 42 years, and of those, 10 at CC-551. As anyone knows, Bro. Don always showed a fun-type of edgy commentary while reading all the lodge business, news, and correspondence. It was always fun to have the lodge groan at his “exurbanite” salary when he had to read them while reading the bills. His reply was always different and met with laughter from all. Don will actually be stepping down to the Assistant Secretary position for 2021, so we will not let him off the hook that easily.
Finally, please join us Brothers in our December Virtual Stated Meeting on Thursday, December 3rd. Social at 6:30, and Lodge at 7:00 pm.
If you didn’t receive an email invite for our November Virtual Stated Meeting, please let me know so I can update my list and record your address with Grand Lodge as well.
Until then, stay safe, stay healthy, and know you are a valuable part of our Masonry family. We are here to help and support you anyway we can. Just reach out and call us. Our phone numbers and email address are easily found within this Trestleboard, and on our website.