By Paul Rodriguez-Obrien—Master
Brethren and Families
We have been working on two calendars of events for this year; One being for virtual gatherings, and the other for when we return to some form of normalcy. I’m praying for the latter sooner than later.
This February we plan on hosting our annual “Sweetheart Event” on February 13th, at 2:00 PM online via the Zoom application. This will be our first virtual event in which we will be honoring our Widows. We hope it will be an event that will be both fun, rewarding and give them a chance to catch up with some of the people that they may have lost contact with. We are open to any suggestion on activities to better tailor the event to what they feel would be interesting, fun, and entertaining for all of them. We will do our best to figure out a way to make it all happen for them in this virtual meeting!
If you know of one of our “Sweethearts”, ask them if they plan on attending. Or have them call, write, text, IM, or holler at any of the lodge officers listed in this Trestleboard to give us their RSVP. We have over 130+ “Sweethearts”, let’s show them we care!
On another note, we are having good attendance from our Brethren in our Virtual Stated Meetings. It’s a fantastic way to keep in touch and interact with like-minded free thinkers and just like our lodge nights of old, it’s always the first Thursday of the month with Social at 6:30 PM, and the Virtual Stated starting at 7:00 PM. So if you’re getting this Trestleboard, but you’re not getting an email invite to this event, please contact any of the officers in this publication.
In closing I do want to say that however we meet, we are stronger as we support each other. Please keep your Masonic family close to your heart, and in your thoughts.
If you know of someone who you haven’t spoken to lately, pick up that phone and give them a holler and tell them that you were just thinking of them.
We are here to help and support you anyway we can. Just reach out and call any of us. Our phone numbers and email address are easily found within this Trestleboard, and on our website.
So my Brethren and families, stay safe, stay healthy, and know you are a valuable part of our Masonry family.