By Brian Ross — Master

Fall is certainly upon us as the air gets cooler and reminders of Halloween adorns yards around Castro Valley. For those of you that do not know, out in Livermore our Lodge Treasurer Phil Busch and his family go all out on Halloween. I was by his house last week and he and the neighbors have developed quite the spooky block. I have been told that, if you trick or treat at his house, you get the good stuff – the giant sized Snickers bar or the like. I plan on trick or treating at his house on Halloween (naturally dressed as a lawyer), and we will see what he is handing out!
We had a wonderful “Past Masters Roll Call” on October 13, 2022. Many Past Masters that we have not seen around the Lodge attended. It was a real delight. One Past Master was noticeably missing. For those of you who do not know, Worshipful “Uncle” Roy Tamez, our Lodge “Executive Chef” and resident cow-poker suffered a stroke recently and has been hospitalized. I know he would love to hear from you – contact me for his information. Nevertheless, Mark Finger, Johnnie Albanese, Dain Warton, and Pat Quinn made a “heckuva” meal serving meatloaf, mashed potatoes, gravy and the works. No matter – WE MISS YOU UNCLE ROY!
SW J Rafisura, JW Andrew Hawes, WM Bill Ferrell and I are off to Grand Communication on October 21-23, 2022 to represent our lodge in the big city. I am personally looking forward to it – I will report our antics in next month’s issue of the Trestleboard.
If I do not see you before – Happy Thanksgiving to all our brothers, their families and friends!