By Robert Eckstein, PM—Master
We welcome our new Entered Apprentice Mason, Brother Ted Rucker, who received his first degree on October 24th. The officers were in advanced stations and did a fine job. Brother J. Rafisura sat in the East for the first time and did very well.
The officers also attended the 170th Annual Grand Lodge Communication and represented the Lodge in helping to decide this year’s legislation which may be found on line at:
I am proud to announce that all of our senior officers have been found proficient for their future offices. Bro. Brian qualified in September! At the October DOSI Brothers Paul Rodrigues-O’Brien, J. Rafisura, and Andrew Hawes successfully presented their work to the Inspector. Thank you, my brothers for your hard work and dedication! Your fellow lodge members and I look forward to your continued commitment to serving Crow Canyon Lodge.
This month, at the November Stated Meeting, we will hold the Annual Election of Officers, new Hall Association Board members and Lodge Trustees. If you would like to help with the Hall or become a Trustee, please let me or our Secretary know. With Thanksgiving this month there are only two open Thursdays. We will hold a practice on 11/14 and Installation rehearsal on 11/21.
Want to know what is going on? Please install the Lodge App on your phone by going to then following the instructions. Happy Thanksgiving!