By Don Schauer, Sr—Secretary

It’s August already. Not being able to attend lodge, a large part of me is missing. It looks like we will be dark for some time. I am preparing the lodge semiannual financial report which should be a snap. Outside of the taxes, Hall Association and salaries there is not much to report on. It will be read at the next meeting whenever that is.
There are still 26 members who have not paid their 2020 dues; those members are no long in good standing. One never knows when you may need some sort of Masonic assistance. It can happen in a flash. I am a good example, when I broke my ankle and still have problems a year later. Like a flash.
It is my hope that each member of the craft is staying safe and adhering to the Grand Master’s message of no masonic gatherings of any kind along with wearing your mask when out in public. The officers have been meeting on Zoom, so we are able to stay on the same page.
On July 1st the Grand Lodge started using new membership system: iMember 2.0. Having been in the hospital during the time that the online classes were be conducted I was unable to keep up with the classes. As a result it is going to take me a little time to navigate around the new web site.
Everyone, please stay safe and have a wonderful summer