By Don Schauer, Sr., H.A

We just finished October and Grand Lodge week. As soon as I find out what the new per capita tax is, I will send out the dues statements. You can rest assured that they will be going up. Included with the dues statement will be a survey asking if there have been any changes such as phone numbers etc. If there are no changes, you do not need to return the form.
Our Lodge dues have been $60.00 since I came to Crow Canyon some nine years ago, but the per capita tax keeps increasing. I hope the benefits that Grand Lodge provides outweighs the increases in your mind. For me, I’m not so sure. Seventeen of our brothers have still not paid their 2019 dues.
Many of you pay dues but never come to lodge. This results in just a few of us making all the decisions as to what the lodge is doing with our money. You must admit that we have a beautiful building, it does cost the lodge about $60,000 a year to maintain. The restrooms have been remodeled and they really look nice. Our Hall Association members are doing a wonderful job in keeping the temple in good shape. Thank You!
I hope to see you at lodge on the first Thursday. Brother Roy Tamez, our ‘Executive Chef’ does a wonderful job making sure we enjoy a wonderful and satisfying meal. Please come and join us, it will be the best $10.00 that you will ever spend. See you at lodge.