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Writer's pictureBrian Ross

From the South

By Brian Ross—Junior Warden

Well, the ball has fallen and a new year is upon us. Like many of you, I make resolutions in good faith only to break them as fast as they were made. However, this year I decided to be reasonable about my resolutions – that is, make those that I can keep. One of them is to be more active in the lodge. In that regard, I will make every effort to volunteer and attend as many functions as my work and family life will allow. I will practice the virtues of friendship and brotherly love, by making it a point to speak to each and every one of you at our Stated meetings, and further, I will reach out to our less active members if to do nothing more than to say “hello.”

As many of you know, I am a member of our Temple Board – the group that oversees the management of our wonderful lodge facility. Recently, due to a lack of interest and participation, the board has found it difficult to carry out its functions. Outgoing president William Ferrell has done a great job but at a great cost to him in terms of his time and effort. I respectfully request that each of you reading this article consider volunteering some of your time by becoming a member of the board. No specific qualifications are necessary – just your input on how to keep our facility in good order. If interested, please give me a call.

I want to remind everyone that our lodge potluck is scheduled for January 31, 2019, from 6:30 p.m. until 8:00 p.m. Please bring an item based upon the first letter of your last name:

A-H - salad or appetizer

I-O - main course

P-Z - dessert

Finally, our annual crab feed is set for Saturday, February 23, 2019, from 6:00 p.m. until 8:30 p.m. As of January 21, 2019, our secretary Brother Don Schauer reports that he has sold 7 crab feed tickets and 3 spaghetti feed tickets. Brother Don will have tickets available at our Stated meeting on February 7, 2019 – be sure to pick one up!

Hope you and yours can make these fun events!

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