By Lyman Penning — Jr. Warden
I hope that everyone had an enjoyable Christmas and New Year's. Now that we are now in 2023, I would like to get started with what is being planned for January.
Our entree for the Stated Meeting dinner on Thursday, January 5th will be Chicken Parmesan. We will have our social time starting at 5:30 PM with dinner following at 6:15 PM. Reservations can be made by calling myself at (510) 441-3901, our Secretary, Perry Klahr at (925) 425-3360, or by signing up for next month on the signup sheets on the tables.
If you are wondering about this year's Crab Feed, the scheduled date is Saturday, February 25th starting at 6:00 PM. The cost for crab tickets may be $50.00, and the chicken tickets may be $25.00. These prices are tentative for now. The actual ticket costs will be announced as soon as all of our costs have been estimated.
On Thursday, January 26th, we will be holding a Second Degree starting at 7:00 PM. A light dinner will be served for the officers and all the brethren in attendance.
So, relax! Leave the dinner to our chefs.
Have a Happy New Year and we will see you in January 2023.