By Brian Ross — Senior Warden
I received my second COVID-19 shot on St. Patrick’s Day and I am just fit to be tied. I understand several of the brethren and their families have also been vaccinated – that is just wonderful. We are getting closer to normal every day – go get those shots when you can!
On a lighter note, as a lot of you are aware, I am an avid saltwater fisherman who loves to spend time outside the Golden Gate looking for the big ones. I plan to go fishing on Saturday, May 22, 2021 out of Emeryville looking for rockfish and lingcod. I would love to have some of you along for the trip. If you are interested, give me a call and I will give you the details on how to reserve your spot on the boat! We are taking the Tigerfish out to the Farallon Islands for a day of fishing and sight-seeing. There is always a lot of marine life to see once you go outside the Golden Gate and plenty of opportunities for once in a lifetime photographs. The captain does follow strict COVID-19 protocol so masks and distancing is paramount. Keep in mind that this is not a lodge sponsored event and has not been approved or sanctioned by the Grand Lodge. I just want to see your pretty faces again and hope you can go on this boat ride with me!
Finally, for those of you interested in the history of the Knights Templars, I have been reading a fascinating book about the order called The History of the Knights Templars, the Temple Church, and the Temple by Charles G. Addison (1842). Addison does a thorough job detailing the origin, height, and ultimate demise of the order. Its free on Kindle – check it out!