By J. E. C. Rafisura — Sr. Warden

Brethren, as of this writing, the new set of officers have initiated 4 new brothers on two separate “double-degree” conferrals. I congratulate each one of them, namely, brothers, Jesse Bridgeman, Jake Andreotti, Felipe Castellanos and Steven Dorough. May you continue to search for the truth, that progressive truth, as you go through the several stations of your masonic life. May you ever realize that what we are in search for can only be found with an open mind and freedom of thought, looking within ourselves, that which is lost. Indeed, as the “Little Prince” said, “What is essential is invisible to the naked eye!”.
I tip my hat off to my fellow officers and sideliners during the recent conferrals. Both ceremonies were well-attended - a testament that the lodge is in full throttle! JW Andrew Hawes did a wonderful job sitting in the East for the February 10th initiation. We were also able to witness the stellar performance of Alvaro Reynoso, PM who was in the oriental chair during the initiation of his very own grandson, Felipe. All in all, from degree practices to the actual ceremonies, it was a display of commitment, teamwork and camaraderie of Crow Canyon #551. Brother Tramaine Ellison did a remarkable job delivering the “charges”. Beautiful job, my brothers!
I would like to encourage everyone to help support our new brothers. Their journey may be long, and some may say that it can be rough and rugged along the way. However, with all of us behind them supporting and providing encouragement, the journey could be fun and exciting, as it should be. Suitable assistance will always be accorded to each one of them and their coaches have already been carefully chosen and assigned. If any of you my dear brothers, new and seasoned alike, have any concerns or questions in regard to your masonic progression, membership status, etc. please let me know. As your Senior Warden, I would be happy to provide assistance and/or point you in the right direction.
Coming up will be second degree practices, and this time, it will be my honor to sit in East. It’s been a while since I was situated in that oriental chair. As usual, I will do my best to do my part and be able to provide the candidates the best possible experience. All FC/MM are invited to attend the practices and conferrals.