By Lyman Penning, PM — Sr. Warden
I would like to welcome our newest members into Crow Canyon Lodge #551. Tony and Brendan Korbas received their Entered Apprentice Degrees on Thursday, June 27, 2024.
Now they will begin to prepare for their 1st Degree examinations and papers. That gives us four brothers working on proficiencies: two on the Entered Apprentice Degree and; two on the Fellowcraft Degree.
Beside preparing for the Traveling Master Mason Degree (which will likely be in October), I will be looking towards the Installation of Officers which will be on the first Saturday in December, right after our Stated Meeting (Saturday December 7, 2024). If I am elected to take the East next year, I will need to make sure that all the positions are filled. I have already started to make some appointments for the installation. At the same time, I will be asking for volunteers to fill the appointed officer positions for 2025. So please mark your calendars for the Installation of Officers. You don't want to miss this event!
See all of you in Lodge. Take care.