What is happening in Job’s Daughters?
As we begin to come out of quarantine and begin to start our journey in the same fashion that we had become accustomed to two years ago, we are hitting the ground running.
We are moving forward and not looking back. We just participated in the Dublin St. Patrick’s Day Parade and also held a promotion booth at the festival grounds at Dublin Civic Center.
We had a variety of Mason’s and former Job’s Daughters stop by the booth to share stories about their experiences. We would like to give a shout out to Crow Canyon Lodge 551’s Worshipful Master Brian Ross for stopping by with a donation for the Bethel to help assist the youth groups! It is much appreciated and will likely be used to send our Daughters to Grand Bethel in Visalia.
We have many other things going on as well. Our Honored Queen will be selling chocolates near Mother’s Day, our Jr. Princess will be selling ad space on our Spaghetti Feed Flyers, and our Guide is selling Spaghetti Feed tickets. The Bethel will also be selling See’s Easter Candy as a fundraiser for the open line spot of Sr. Princess. The Marshal has just concluded her Popcorn Sales and will have met and surpassed her goal.
The Council Adults are also pitching in with fundraising….We are offering Drive Thru Smoked Meat BBQ Plates