I am writing you on behalf of the young ladies of Job's Daughters Bethel No. 1 in Dublin. Job's Daughters International is celebrating its 100th Year Anniversary in 2020.
Several members and adults from Bethel No. 1 traveled to Pasadena to work on the Masonic body Rose Bowl Float.
The council of Bethel No. 1 was installed in December by Denise Jow, Grand Guardian of California, for the next yearly term in office. Mr. William Ferrell, P.M. has returned to our Executive Council as Associate Bethel Guardian.
The daughters will be installed into their new offices at our 193rd Installation of Officers being held January 4th 2020, Castro Valley Masonic Family Center, 4521 Crow Canyon Rd., Castro Valley, CA at 6:30PM. We encourage you and your family to attend all of our installations, receptions, and Bethel meetings.
We appreciate the heritage we receive from you as our Masonic family and want to encourage you to invite your family, neighbors, and friends to join us as well at this open ceremony.
As I close, I wanted to share with you that just like the Warriors basketball team we also believe in "Strength in Numbers"... where we gain membership, and the Masonic fraternity gains by your participation. This is being well represented this month where there will be a new Mason joining the Masonic family at his daughters request.
Katie Bardwell - Bethel Guardian of Bethel No. 1 Dublin
Job's Daughters International
