We would like to remind you of a valuable link in the support of our Lodge; the ‘Sunshine Committee’.
It seems lately they have been the best kept secret, that shouldn’t be a secret at all. The function of the Sunshine committee is to comfort and provide guidance and assistance that you and other lodge Brothers can call on in your time of need. They have access to resources (and the Worshipful’s ear) in tackling whatever obstacles may lie in a brother's path.
Need someone to talk to, confide in, and ask for prayers for you or loved ones?
You would appreciate a visit at the hospital or your home, or just a phone call of support?
Ask for guidance in attaining Grand lodge or Masonic home help for medical, financial, or care?
Just let any of the Officers know of your, or a brother’s needs and they will pass that concern on to the Sunshine Committee.
Their contact information can be found here in the Trestleboard and on our website.
They are looking forward to hearing from you.