By Lyman Penning, PM — Sr. Warden
Brethren, I did some checking on iMember for Crow Canyon Lodge #551. I found that not only having 198 Master Masons on our roster, we also have 7 Fellowcraft Masons, 20 Entered Apprentice Masons, and 14 Inquiries (individuals who are expressing an interest in checking out Crow Canyon Lodge #551 for membership). According to the Grand Lodge iMember, our lodge may be quite busy for some with all three degrees.
With that said, I would suggest that everyone keep a close eye on the monthly Trestleboards. I feel that our lodge will be extremely busy with moving and examining candidates in all three degrees. Also, I will be contacting the candidate coaches to check on the progress of each candidate and to see when a candidate is ready for his proficiency exam and his next degree. So coaches, please call me in order for me to hear your candidate’s progress so that the Worshipful Master can schedule his next degree.
Happy Valentines Day everyone.