Brethren: Welcome to the month of November.
Every time I think of the Month of November, the first image that comes to my mind is Thanksgiving and the things associated with it . . . the gathering of friends and family around the dinner table feasting upon turkey and all the trimmings. At the same time, I think about the “hunt” prior to the actual dinner, where crowds of individuals can be found in the grocery stores looking for the perfect bird; not too big, not too small, just right. And hopefully it will fit into the oven. Thanksgiving is also the time of the year when certain foods make their annual appearance on the dinner table. For instance, cranberry sauce and candied yams.
At this time, I would like to announce that we now have a new District Inspector, Worshipful Gary D. Sparks. On behalf of Crow Canyon Lodge No. 551, I offer a warm welcome to Worshipful Sparks and look forward to working with him in the future.
In addition to the Thanksgiving Holiday, November marks a special time in the lodge; the annual Election of Officers for the following Masonic year. It can be thought of as a time of renewal and renovation for the lodge.
After having been in the Officers’ line for four consecutive years, I look forward to sitting on the sidelines as a Past Master. I would like to thank all of my officers as well as the countless individuals that have helped me during my term as Master. It has been an experience that I will never forget. Thanks to all of you…
Have a pleasant Thanksgiving Holiday!