Thank you for electing me Master. I sincerely appreciate the confidence you have placed in me to guide the Lodge in the coming year.
This year I have had many requests to bring back some old events; we will begin with the Lodge Family Christmas Party on Saturday December 23rd from 1PM to 5PM. There will be food, beverages, surprise events and Santa will make an appearance! There will be gifts for all the kids whose parents make a reservation with our Secretary. Sorry, no reservation, no gift. Please call the Secretary. We don’t want any disappointed kids.
Please bring your Lady to the December Stated Meeting Dinner and there will be something for her to do while we are in Lodge.
We have a new District Inspector Wor. Gary D Sparks. We met him at the November District Officers School of Instruction. We are looking forward to working with him.
There are more returning events coming up in 2018. Please look at the January Trestleboard for a full list.
Merry Christmas!