Happy 2018 Brethren!
We were very pleased to see a full lodge room for the Installation of Officers. I think 2017 concluded on a fun note with a well-attended Family Christmas Party. Santa presented every child with a gift and many grins were seen on everyone’s faces. We are looking forward to a fun and active 2018.
So let’s begin the New Year with a celebration! Please join us at the January Stated meeting to Honor Robert W. Logan, PM, George R. Lumm, PM, and Gerald R. Woergoetter, PM, as they mark 25 years as a Mason!!
Our new District Inspector Wor. Gary D Sparks has selected Crow Canyon Lodge to host the year’s first District Officers School of Instruction. All Master Masons are welcome. We will start the evening of 01/11/2018 at 6:30 PM with a light dinner with the school to follow. Stop by to enjoy the meal and say “Hi!” even if you cannot stay for the school.
Next month will see the Officers conferring the first 3rd Degree late in February. Look at next month’s Trestleboard for the date and Brother who will become a new Master Mason.
Don’t forget our Annual Crab Feed in February, which is always a sellout. Please refer to the Jr. Warden’s message for details.