November was the ninth month of the ancient Roman calendar and has retained its name from the Latin “novem”, meaning "nine." November in the Northern Hemisphere is similar to May in the Southern Hemisphere. In the United States and Canada, November is also known as National Beard Month or No Shave Month (also known as "No-Shave November") as a way to raise cancer awareness.
The 169th Annual Communication of the Grand Lodge of California was attended by our Junior Warden Paul Rodriguez-O’Brian, Past Master William Ferrell, and myself. We represented Crow Canyon’s interests and concerns. Our Jr. Warden will review the voting results at the November Stated Meeting.

Also at Stated Meeting we will elect the 2019 Officers, Hall Association Board and Trustee Members. If you are interested in helping in any of these positions please let me know. Attend and let your voice be heard.
We will end the month by conferring the 3rd degree upon Brother Mick Bowers on November 29th. A modest dinner will be provided at 6:15 and Lodge opens at 7:00 PM.
Please be reminded that most of the United States reverts to standard time on the first Sunday in November, which this year is at 2:00 AM on Sunday, November 4th.

Happy Thanksgiving!