By Andrew Hawes —Master

When I study our ritual, a theme which keeps coming back is the idea of leading by example. Show the world that we are an organization worthy of emulation. Maintain a respectable character, circumscribe our passions and keep them in due bounds, do not indulge in vicious habits that may lead you to inappropriate behavior, and so on. This is not something that is expected to only be true for lodge officers – this is a core tenant of Freemasonry.
Leading by example isn't just for leaders. As your Worshipful Master this past year, I've definitely tried to do this, it's a commitment to the lodge that I took on when I was installed - but even if you are not Master, even if you have no interest in ever going up the line or being "in charge" of anything, you can and should still attempt to lead by example.
When you do something good and right, others will notice. You don't need their approval, you shouldn't be motivated by other's witnessing you do good... but it will happen. When you do something that you're not proud of... people will notice that as well. Do right. Do what you can to make the world a better place.
I will wrap this up with some platitudes, but ones that I attempt to live by:
Judge others as you would have them judge you.
Always act as though others are watching.
Take pride in what you do - and do things that you can be proud of.
Listen to what other people say - sometimes they know more than you, and sometimes they can change your mind, but only if you listen, and are open to change.
The journey of 1000 miles begins with a single step.
Remember that while you cannot control what happens around you, you can control how you react to it, and you should always try to react in the best way possible.