By Robert Eckstein, PM—Master
Welcome to the first month of winter.
Our new officers were elected at the November Stated Meeting. They are a fine group of Officers in whose hands the Lodge’s future is safely deposited. We hope you will attend the Installation on December 7th at 5PM which will be followed by dinner.
By tradition, the retiring Master reflects on his year as Master. I enjoyed two years in the East! 2018 & 19 were so enjoyable there is not any single event that defined my term. For me, a Master’s success is determined by the Brothers and Officers that surround him and I thank them, and you, for a productive and fun 2018 & 19. A Brother has a special relationship and fondness for the Lodge where they were raised. For me that was Foothill 564 in Hayward, which no longer exits. I always felt Foothill was the best, until I joined and became Master of Crow Canyon 551. This Lodge truly exercises Brotherly love. Several Grand Lodge Officers, over the last two years, have said “Oh yes, I’ve heard a lot about Crow Canyon how busy, friendly, welcoming, and involved in the community you are!” My best years as Master have been spent in Crow Canyon!
Our last get-together in 2019 is the Children’s and Adult Christmas Party on Saturday December 14th from 11:30 to 1:30. Don’t forget “When we meet, we eat.”
I have seen Worshipful-Elect Paul’s calendar and it will be a fun and busy 2020. Please put the Lodge on your calendar for a visit and some good fellowship!
Merry Christmas and a Joyous New Year!