By J. Rafisura—Junior Warden

Greetings, Brethren! As we approach March, our lodge had been busy and active preparing degree conferrals, DOSI hosting, stated dinners and meetings, among other things. Kudos to the Worshipful Master and his officers, the sideliners, coaches and mentors for their remarkable support and efforts.
The double first degree last 1/23/20 was a heck of a challenge and a lot of fun. I congratulate our newest EA, brothers Scott Hamilton and Ozzy Ghani. I wish you both all the best and fun that Masonry has to offer. As for me, it was an honor to be in the East during that momentous event. It was a wonderful and fulfilling experience knowing that we have done our best to be able to share that initial glimpse of what this mysterious Craft is all about. To be a part of those who laid the foundation-cornerstone in a brother’s masonic life is such a huge honor. It is now up to the new initiates to erect upon their own superstructure in which they have been charged to build. My prayers are for them to continue the journey among the brethren, seek wise counsel and systematically unveil the time-honored masonic philosophies that we hold so dear. My hat’s off to Worshipful Lyman Penning who did an impressive first degree lecture, in long form, so eloquently delivered with such class and bravado.
February’s Stated Meeting kicked-off with an Italian dinner served on roundtables with red tablecloths. Our ladies smiles gleamed as they received long-stem roses courtesy of the “men in the brotherhood”. Much appreciation to Uncle Roy and his crew and the DeMolay servers who, as usual, did a fantastic job.
Please save the date for our March Stated Dinner and Meeting on March 5, 2020. We can all look forward to a mouth-watering meal of corned-beef and cabbage! Needless to say, we are getting ready to say hello to St. Patty! See you in your rich green accessories with emerald shamrocks on it!
Cheers, Brethren!