By Lyman Penning — Jr. Warden
Our Stated Meeting dinner on Thursday, March 2nd will be bringing in the luck of the Irish. Yes, our dinner will be the traditional corn beef and cabbage. It is very important that reservations be made by calling myself at (510) 441-3901 or e-mailing me at "". You can also contact Perry Klahr at (925) 425-3360, or (925) 699-1786, or e-mail Perry at "".
I wish to thank those who made reservations for the March 2nd Stated Meeting dinner by signing the reservation sheet that was out in the lobby. Please everyone, it is very important that we receive a complete headcount for these dinners so that Roy Tamez and his crew can prepare enough food for use. I will also have reservation sheets on the dinner tables in order to make it very easy to inform us that you will be here next month for dinner. If you are making a reservation by phone or email, try to make it at least a week before the Stated Meeting dinner. Thank you very much for helping us on this matter.
March 30th is the fifth Thursday of this month. That means it's time for a potluck dinner. Please join Crow Canyon Lodge at 6:00 PM for a wonderful time with the brethren, ladies, and kids for enjoyable dishes provided by folks in attendance.