By Lyman Penning — Jr. Warden
Our Stated Meeting dinner for May will be a meal that you will not want to miss. Yes, this will be our Cinco de Mayo (Fifth of May) dinner. If you missed the sign up sheets last month, please call Perry Klahr at 925-425-3360 or 925-699-1786. You can also call me at 510-441-3901 and I will relay your reservation to our Secretary. Please remember to put your reservations in by Thursday, April 27th in order that enough food is purchased to cover everyone that shows up. Thank you very much everyone.
Crow Canyon Lodge #551 will be hosting the DOSI on Tuesday, May 9th. There will be a dinner at 6:30 PM followed by the school at 7:00 PM. Again, please call Perry or myself in regards to the meal, as we will be serving three lodges.
Finally, I would like to give a big thank you to Colleen Weaver and everyone who helped her in putting on the dinner on Thursday, April 20th for our Public Schools Event. We all appreciated it very much. Also, thank you Roy Tamez for your part in preparing the dinner.