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From the West

By Andrew Hawes — Sr. Warden

The year isn’t yet half gone, but I’m already starting to stress out about preparing for next year, which will (if all goes well!) be my Master’s year for the lodge.  May 5th weekend is the date for the 2022 Master’s and Warden’s retreat in Tahoe – I’m very much looking forward to this year’s chance to meet with grand officers and other Masonic officers from all over the area who are going into the Oriental Chair next year, and learning about the hurdles and pitfalls that others have faced and overcome, to try and do my best to plan on overcoming any that may come my way!

May holds an important holiday- Memorial Day.  I know that many of our brethren have served, and many have fallen, earning and continuing to defend our freedoms.  While today it is often more about the backyard barbeque, and spending a long weekend enjoying the company of friends and family, it’s important that we take the time to make ourselves truly remember why we celebrate it, and honor those who served, and continue to serve in our military.  While we are circumscribed to keep our passions within due bounds towards all mankind, and our holy books urge us to be forgiving and turn the other cheek, there are times when being the better person is not enough, and we must take up arms against our foes.  The holiday we enjoy has been earned by the brave men and women who have done so on our behalf, putting their own lives at risk – and indeed paying with them – to secure our freedoms and our happiness.  This Memorial Day, try to make sure you honor a veteran.  If you don’t know one – go find one, reach out to them, and thank them, for allowing us the opportunity to meet in our lodge without persecution, to relax in our backyards and barbeque without fear, and overall to pursue the lives we have chosen for ourselves.  It is because of their choice to defend us, that we have those choices available to us.

Not all things are dark and serious, however - May flowers are here again!  The poppies blooming across the hills are a glorious sight, and we should all enjoy the coming of yet another summer, and of our being able to look forward to enjoying it!

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