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Writer's pictureRon Katz, PM

From the West

By Alex Von Stade, PM — Sr. Warden


I hope that each and everyone of you had a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! It’s now time to pack up the Christmas lights and decorations and make way for the events of 2025. It’s time to recycle the Christmas tree, if you had a “real” one or, if you didn’t, it’s time to box up and store the artificial one. It is at this particular time of year that I will hear multiple traffic reports during my morning commute of the sudden and mysterious appearances of loose Christmas trees on Bay Area roadways and highways creating hazards for drivers. It never ceases to amaze me that in the timeframe of roughly one month, a Christmas tree can go from being an object that was carefully selected, painstakingly decorated, illuminated by numerous colorful lights, and admired by both children and adults, to being an object cast away and carelessly discarded.

January is named after Janus, the Roman God of beginnings and traditions and the protector of gates and doorways. Janus is often depicted with two faces- one looking to the past and one looking into the future. January is the coldest month in the Northern Hemisphere and the warmest month in the Southern Hemisphere.

It is anticipated that there will be several degree conferrals during 2025. I am sure that the 2025 officers’ line will be up to the challenge of creating meaningful experiences for the brothers participating in those events.

Until next time, have a pleasant January.


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