Denise Jow, Past Grand Guardian
Jobs Daughters, Bethel No. 1—Dublin
As the Bethel Daughters head back to school . . . it is also time for us to head BACK to BETHEL!
Bethel meetings will resume and plans for our Membership Drive is scheduled for Wednesday, September 11th for an Ice Cream Social with scavenger hunt & games (flyer included). Our Honored Queen Savannah has many fun activities planned where the Bethel Daughters are encouraged to invite their friends. Members are 10 to 20 years old with the opportunity for younger girls to join our Bee Hive and become JD to Bees. Job’s Daughters International allows girls and young women to bloom into their confidence to become leaders of tomorrow. This confidence and leadership development lets members soar into adulthood with the set of skills needed in today’s world. If you would like more information on attending our activities or joining our Bethel please contact us at our Bethel email:
On a side note I just returned from our Supreme Session in Omaha, Nebraska where we toured the International Center for Job’s Daughters also known as the Supreme office & home of the Ethel T. Wead Mick Memorial Room. We visited her grave site & Bethel No. 1 Omaha hosted us at their Masonic Center with a tour & lunch.
Daughter delegates from each Jurisdiction were allowed to vote on amendments and ritual changes for the very first time! This was historical since only Past Grand Guardians, Past Associate Grand Guardians, Grand Guardians, Associate Grand Guardians, Vice Grand Guardians & Vice Associate Grand Guardian are the only people allowed to vote at Supreme.
Other exciting news: plans for a new Bethel in Baja California is in the works and our new Supreme Honored Queen is Natalie PHQ from CA!
We are so proud of Natalie and wish her a wonderful year traveling with the Supreme Team!